Redwall Photo || Nashville Wedding Photographer

Styled Shoot :: Winter Wonderland Wedding

When the wonderful Cynthia Sally contacted me about doing this shoot with her, Kristen of Kio Kreations, and Ariela of RBK Creations, I jumped at the chance. I’ve been having a lot of fun working with models and styled shoots this winter, and their ideas sounded beautiful. We enlisted the help of model Amy Christian, […]

Favorites of 2010 :: Reception

And here it is, the last wedding recap (I still have an favorite e-session post… gah, too many great shoots this past year!). What a better way to end than with the party? And boy, were there some insane parties. My husband Aaron and I even got to party a few times when there was […]

Favorites of 2010 :: Details

I. LOVE. DETAILS. Love them. When little girls are planning their wedding day, it’s the details that they often spend hours thinking on… what dress they’re going to wear, what their flowers will look like, what their colors will be.  If years are spent thinking about these small trinkets, then I think they are more […]

Favorites of 2010 :: The Ceremony

And, the second part of my favorites this year… the ceremony! (Here’s the first installment if you’re curious.) I’ve had about half and half non-traditional and traditional ceremonies this year. Some in gorgeous churches, some outdoors, some in a little corner of the reception venue. One of my brides had to have her maid of […]

Wedding :: David & Luke

I’ve been excited to post this wedding for a while. It was not only a very classy, stylish wedding (described to me during the initial consults as a “lounge vignette”… I’d say that fits), but it was full of a lot of really fun, really warm individuals. David and Luke are great people, and their […]

Wedding :: Whitney & Mike

Whitney and Mike were two of the happiest people I’ve ever photographed on a wedding day.  You can see, even in their getting ready pictures, that they were all smiles, despite most people being nervous and stressed before the ceremony. Any tears shed were tears of happiness as they opened their gifts to each other (how […]

Wedding :: Krystle & Eric

Krystle & Eric are adorable. When you’re around them, you can’t help but unconsciously smile. I had such a blast the entire day I was shooting… not only was I super excited for them, but their wedding was the perfect mix of intimate, fun, romantic, party, and stylish. And, I even got to play a […]

Wedding :: Cassie & Jimmy

I hope you can tell from these pictures how in love Cassie & Jimmy are.  I’ve gotten to know Cassie & Jimmy through our talks and engagement shoot, and they’re one of those couples that don’t take each other for granted. They found ways throughout the day to show each other that they loved each […]

Wedding :: Mandy & Dan

Mandy and Dan had a gorgeous summer wedding. What can I say about their wedding? Well, the wedding party was Fun (yes, with a capital “F”), there were a surprising amount of fake mustaches at the reception, and mostly, it was a beautiful day. The church was AMAZING (really, scroll down), Mandy and Dan were […]